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NOHS School-Based Decision Making Council Policy


a.  Council Governance All activities and decisions of the Council shall be governed by policies set by the Council.  Policies shall include both operational procedures and management functions chosen by the Council.  All policies set by the Council shall be consistent with state statutes and district board policies.
b.  Adoption No policy shall be adopted by the Council at the meeting in which the policy is introduced. All policies shall be reviewed by the Board of Education’s General Counsel before they are adopted.
c.  Policy Manual The Council shall maintain a policy manual and shall make it available to staff, the public, and the superintendent.
d.  Policy Areas Policy Areas    Policy areas will be identified, added to and/or revised to address the Council annual goals which will be developed and approved by the Council at the beginning of each school year.
e.  Review The Council shall annually review all policies.  Revisions shall be made as needed in order to more effectively serve the school.  All revisions shall be read and approved by the General Counsel for Oldham County Schools before they become part of the policy.

Adopted – September 20, 2005
Revised – April 16, 2013