North Oldham High School
SBDM Council Policy 4007 – Performance-Based Credit
Performance-Based Credit Appeals Form
Performance-based credit is any credit earned other than through the traditional classroom setting with a regular or special education teacher. These credits include, but are not limited to, online coursework (Edgenuity, etc.), courses offered by the Oldham County School District apart from the regular school day, zero-hour classes, dual credit courses and other enrichment opportunities.
The decision as to whether to grant performance-based credit lies with the principal. If the principal’s decision is not in the favor of the student, he or she can appeal the principal’s decision to the SBDM Council where the final decision will rest. The parent or student must submit the “Performance-Based Credit Appeals Form” to the principal no later than 72 hours prior to the SBDM Council meeting in which it will be presented in order for it to be included in the agenda.
Student’s Name: ___________________________________________
Grade: _____________
Course Request: _______________________________________________________________
Explain Your Reason for Wanting to Take This Course:
Student Signature: _______________________________________ Date: _______________
Parent Signature: ________________________________________ Date: _______________
SBDM Council Decision
Date of Council Meeting: ______________________________
Principal’s Signature: _____________________________________________