a. Vacancy | The principal shall inform the Superintendent of any resignation by a school employee assigned to his/her school. The superintendent shall determine whether or not the position is vacant. |
b. Criteria | Once a certified position has been identified as vacant, either by resignation or a new position, the principal shall develop a set of selection criteria with input from the Council and teaching team where the vacancy exists. This same procedure shall apply to non-teaching staff such as counselor or assistant principal. |
c. Interview |
The superintendent will provide a slate of candidates for each certified position. The principal shall select candidates to interview. An ad hoc committee shall be formed by the principal and approved by the Council to interview candidates and make recommendations to the principal. The Council shall interview candidates for leadership positions including counselor and assistant/associate principal with recommendations made to the principal. |
d. Emergency | In any case in which an emergency is declared, situations interviews and selection of certified employees may be completed by the principal without input from an interview committee. “Emergency” shall be defined as the need to employ a person at a time when ad hoc committee members, or faculty members are not available to assist with the interviews of candidates or when immediate commitment to a candidate is needed in order to assure employment of the candidate. The principal shall make every effort to get input into the employment of certified school employees. |
e. Consulting | The principal shall confer with the Council, discussing the decision and reviewing information about the candidates if requested prior to making the final choice for filling a vacancy. |
f. Selection | The principal shall be responsible for making the final choice for filling a vacancy. The principal shall report his/her recommendation of a candidate to the Superintendent in writing. |
g. Quorum | Quorum for meetings in which the only business is consultation regarding the recommendation of new staff members is defined as the chairperson plus two members. |
Adopted: December 13, 2005
Revised: April 18, 2006
Revised: December 11, 2012
Revised: August 23, 2017