Name of Student: __________________________________________ Grade: 9 10 11 12
Name of Course: ___________________________________________ Teacher: ______________
Name of Assignment: _______________________________________ Date Posted: ___________
Students/Parents have 10 school days from the date the grade is posted to Infinite Campus to issue a challenge (See Challenging of Grades Policy). The challenge must be date stamped by the NOHS Front Office, signed by the student and parent, and submitted to the school principal within the 10 school days window.
___________________________________________________________________ _______________________________
Signature of NOHS Front Office Staff Date the Challenge was received
Grade Received: ___________% Grade Requested via the Grade Challenge Form: ______________%
Justification for Grade Challenge (Please provide all supporting evidence):
Teacher Communication Regarding Grade Challenge:
E-Mail Conference Phone Conference Face to Face Conference w/ Student Present
Additional Information for Principal to Consider during review:
__________________________________________ _____________ ___________________________________________ _______________
Parent/Guardian Signature Date Student Signature Date