Eligibility for Extra-Curricular Sports
a. Participation |
The philosophy of North Oldham High School, along with SBDM Council, in regard to extra-curricular activities, is that all students should be encouraged to participate.The following conditions shall apply to all extra-curricular participants:
- All athletic decisions will be made in the best interest of the student-athlete(s).
- Student-athletes will follow all guidelines set forth by KHSAA in regard to student eligibility and participation.
- Athletic programs at NOHS are for students properly enrolled in NOHS or in its designated feeder school(s).
- In accord with KRS 156.070, KHSAA Bylaw 4, Section 3, and KHSAA Case Bylaw 4-8, North Oldham High School will allow any NOHS-bound student (grades 7 or 8) to participate in high school athletics (freshmen, JV and/or varsity teams) per state law.
- The parent of the 7th or 8th grader and the student-athlete must agree to participation at NOHS first.
- Athletes must try out for a high school team and the high school coach will have sole discretion as to which athletes make which teams at the high school.
- The high school athletic director will make the final decision after communicating with the NOMS administration.
- 7th and 8th grade NOHS-bound students will be expected to follow both NOHS and team rules and guidelines during their season, and throughout the calendar year.
- If the NOHS season in a specific sport continues after the conclusion of the NOMS season, then invited students may participate at NOHS for the remainder of the high school season.
b. Expectations |
- All student-athletes are expected to follow the Extra-curricular Code of Conduct and are bound by its guidelines and consequences.
- All student-athletes shall maintain academics as a top priority. Athletics should be considered a secondary priority, but integral to the overall programming in place to craft the well-rounded student. Expectations for our students include, but are not limited to the following:
- Participants will conduct themselves appropriately at all times before, during, and after the athletic contest.
- Participants will acknowledge the privilege of provided transportation and will conduct themselves appropriately while traveling to and from athletic contests.
- Coaches from specific sports may outline further expectations that participants must follow.
- Attendance at practices and competitions during school vacations may be a requirement for team membership.
c. Eligibility |
Eligibility requirements for student-athletes are set by KHSAA and will be followed accordingly. |
Adopted: October 25, 2005
Revised: May 21, 2007
Revised: May 13, 2008
Revised: January 22, 2013