a. Definition | All students are assigned to an educational program based on the graduation requirements as outlined by the Kentucky Department of Education. The Program of Studies shall guide all decisions pertaining to class offerings in a school’s curriculum. |
b. Programs |
North Oldham High School shall offer an advanced placement, dual credit, honors, and regular level program. Parents are encouraged to work collaboratively with the teachers and guidance counselors in order to determine the most appropriate program placement for their child. Students who meet the criteria of the gifted and talented program shall be afforded opportunities to enrich their academic program based on their gifted student services plan (GSSP). ECS students shall be assigned to an appropriate program based on their individual educational plans (IEP). |
c. Assignment to Classes | Once a student has completed a course request card and the master schedule has been developed, students shall be assigned to classes through the student information system program that is utilized. Students who do not complete a course schedule card will have a schedule developed for them. By the final day of school, all students shall receive a copy of their |
d. Special Requests | Student/parent requests for specific teachers, class periods, lunch periods, etc. will NOT be granted unless there are extenuating circumstances. The principal is the only person who can grant these requests if he/she deems the extenuating circumstance to be valid. Parents may request an appointment for scheduling concerns during the summer months. |
e. Dropping a Class |
Students may request to change their schedule for the next school year up to After school has begun, the classroom teacher must consent to allowing a student to drop the class provided that teacher feels that the student is putting forth appropriate effort and not being successful. |
f. Administrative Changes | Prior to the first day of school, student schedules could change for the following reasons: 1) A student has not been placed in a class that s/he needs to fulfill a graduation requirement, 2) changes in the master schedule (moving sections to different periods, adding new sections, deleting sections, adding new teachers), or 3) class sizes need to be balanced. |
g. Maximum Class Size | School class size shall not exceed the maximum class sizes established by the Kentucky Department of Education unless a special action of the Council permits the waiver of the class size limit. |
Adopted: October 25, 2005
Revised: June 12, 2007
Revised: June 16, 2009
Revised: May 15, 2012
Revised: May 21, 2013
Revised: May 13, 2014
Revised: March 24, 2015
Revised: April 26, 2016
Revised: April 18, 2017
Revised: April 24, 2019