The main objective of North Oldham High School (NOHS) is to promote the overall growth of our students through involvement in school activities. These opportunities contribute to a better-rounded student who benefits athletically, socially, and personally.
Extra-curricular participation is a privilege, not a right. The NOHS extra-curricular code of conduct will be the cornerstone of our after-school programs, and shall be enforced for the entire calendar year, including summer months and vacation periods. Student must dedicate themselves to excellence, and will be held in accordance to the code of conduct rules and regulations 24 hours a day, seven days a week for the duration of their career at NOHS, beginning when the student first participates with any NOHS extra-curricular organization, or on their first day of school at NOHS. A student who violates this code shall be subject to disciplinary action as outlined in the penalty provisions of the code of conduct, as well as being subject to the provisions of the Oldham County Board of Education and NOHS School Based Decision Making Council policies.
Be advised that these guidelines are not all-inclusive. Mitigating circumstances may warrant review by the principal on a case by case basis.
I. Student Integrity Clause | In order to promote strength of character in our students and provide an opportunity for students to take responsibility for the choices they make, it is our firm expectation that students cooperate fully and honestly with all school inquiries. Failure to cooperate with an Extra-Curricular Code of Conduct inquiry does not absolve a student from responsibility or penalty under the policy. Oldham County Board Policies 9029 and 9016 provide the foundation for administrative discretion regarding student integrity. |
II. Tobacco, Illegal Drugs & Alcohol |
Use of tobacco products, alcohol, anabolic steroids, or any other prohibited substance No extra-curricular participant shall be permitted to use, possess or distribute alcoholic beverages, tobacco products, anabolic steroids, and/or other prohibited substances, including controlled substances, while a student at NOHS. Middle school students who play NOHS athletics will be held to the same standards as NOHS students. Students who participate in competitive extra-curriculars are also subject to the OCBE Random Drug Testing Policy and its consequences (#9090). Violations are defined as:
Penalties for violation of substance abuse policy for athletics: 1st Violation:
2nd Violation:
3rd Violation:
Penalties for violation of substance abuse policy for competitive clubs/activities: 1st Violation:
2nd Violation:
3rd Violation:
Additional Coaches’/Sponsors’ Rules: Coaches/sponsors may establish additional rules and/or expectations for their respective organizations, as they deem necessary. Each set of team rules must be in conjunction with the NOHS Extra-curricular Code of Conduct, but may impose additional penalties for violation of school policy. Each coach/sponsor is responsible for disseminating these rules to the students prior to the start of their activity.
III. Attendance | School Day: Students are required to be in attendance for three (3) full periods in order to participate in an event (practice/competitive event) on the day of their absence. |
IV. Sportsmanship / Conduct Unbecoming |
All students participating in extra-curriculars are expected to maintain respectful and appropriate behavior at school, at school functions, and outside of school. Appropriateness is determined and is at the discretion of the school administration. Being a representative of an NOHS extra-curricular team or organization is a privilege. Therefore, it is expected that all extra-curricular participants conduct themselves in a manner that not only reflects well on themselves and their families, but also their fellow teammates and others. Penalties for violation of the Sportsmanship / Conduct Unbecoming policy: 1st and 2nd Violations:
3rd Violation:
I. Athlete Eligibility | To be able to participate in any sport, a student must meet the age, enrollment, and scholastic requirements established by the Kentucky High School Athletic Association and NOHS School Based Decision Making Council. |
II. Playing Time |
The amount of playing time an athlete receives is entirely within the coach’s decision. Any concerns regarding playing time should come from the student athlete and should be directed to the appropriate team coach (9th, JV, etc.). It is NEVER acceptable for a parent to attempt to discuss a student’s playing time during a game or practice. It is also NEVER acceptable for a parent to attempt to discuss another student’s playing time or performance. |
III. Parent Code of Conduct |
The purpose of the Parent Code of Conduct is to develop parental support and positive role models for our athletic program. In the tradition of excellence, one purpose of our athletic program at NOHS is to promote the physical, moral, mental, social, and emotional well being of each student and for our student-athletes. Parents play an integral part of this process. In order to accomplish the goals of the NOHS athletic program, parents must be held to a high standard regarding behavior, attitude, and involvement within the program. Any behavior in violation of this code of conduct is strictly prohibited. Violations are defined as, but not limited to:
24 Hour Rule: Parents are not permitted to discuss athletic concerns with the Penalties for violation of parent code of conduct: 1st Violation:
2nd Violation:
3rd Violation:
It is NEVER acceptable for a parent to attempt to discuss a student’s playing time during a game or practice. It is also NEVER acceptable for a parent to attempt to discuss another student’s playing time or performance. |
Adopted May 23, 2006
Revised January 16, 2007
Revised August 7, 2007
Revised May 13, 2008
Revised June 10, 2008
Revised June 15, 2010
Revised March 15, 2011
Revised May 15, 2012
Revised March 27, 2013
Revised March 18, 2014
Revised June 13, 2017