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AP Studio Art: Three Dimensional Design

This portfolio is intended to address sculptural issues. Design involves purposeful decision making about using the elements and principles of art in an integrative way.

In the 3-D Design Portfolio, students are asked to demonstrate their understanding of design principles as they relate to the integration of depth and space, volume and surface. The principles of design (unity/variety, balance, emphasis, contrast, rhythm, repetition, proportion/scale, and occupied/unoccupied space) can be articulated through the visual elements (mass, volume, color/light, form, plane, line, texture). For this portfolio, students are asked to demonstrate mastery of 3-D design through any three-dimensional approach, including, but not limited to, figurative or nonfigurative sculpture, architectural models, metal work, ceramics, glass work, installation, assemblage and 3-D fabric/fiber arts. There is no preferred (or unacceptable) style or content.

Links to samples of student work in the 3-D Design portfolio can be found on AP Central at

PRE-REQUISITES: Introduction to 3-D Art