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9006 - Use of Electronic Devices




Use of Electronic Devices      


a. Rationale North Oldham High School believes in the educational, social, and emotional well-being of all of our students.  This policy is an essential step in promoting mental wellness in our school environment, while limiting unnecessary distractions in our learning community.  We acknowledge that high engagement with mobile technology has become a significant factor in the rise of adolescent anxiety and depression, and this policy is both a mental health and academic response.
b. Academic Devices

Academic devices are defined as electronic devices primarily used for educational purposes. Examples of academic devices can include:
(a) laptops, (b) eReaders, and (c) calculators.

Students may use academic devices during classroom instructional time and in the media center as permitted by school personnel.  

Headphones, earbuds, or other accessories are only to be used for educational purposes during instructional time with permission.  They must be put away and out of sight otherwise.

c. Cellular Devices

Use of cellular devices (including but not limited to cell phones/watches) for any reason is not permitted from 8:45a-3:45p (including in Zero Hour classes if applicable).

Lunch Exception:  Students may use cellular devices during their assigned lunch only in the designated teal zones. 

Cell phones/watches must be turned off or completely silenced, and out of sight.   We recommend the devices be carried in backpacks or purses.

d. Consequences

Violations of sections “b. Academic Devices” and “c. Cellular Devices” 
will be subject to the following action(s) allowable by law:

  • 1st Offense:  Student referral and parent phone call.  Phone will be confiscated.  The parent may come to school to pick up the student’s device the following school day during regular office hours (7:45-4:15p). 
  • 2nd Offense: The next scheduled after school detention along with 1st offense consequences.
  • 3rd Offense:  The next-scheduled Saturday school along with 1st offense consequences.
  • 4th Offense:  One day of in-school suspension (OCATS or on-site) along with 1st offense consequences.
  • Add’l Offenses:  Consequences, in addition to those listed under 1st Offense, are at the discretion of the administration. 
e. Misuse of Devices Use of any academic or cellular device to do any of the following is   
  •  share unintended academic information / cheating
  • take pictures/videos of anyone without their or the school’s permission
  • bullying / cyber bullying
  • sexting or any digital sexual behavior
  • social media for non-academic purposes
Punishment for violations will comply with school/district/state laws and/or 

Adopted April 25, 2018
Revised August 29, 2018 (c: teal zones & d: following school day)