Freshmen Resources
High School Credit Check
Click here to access the NOHS Transcript Check Sheet.
Students are required to earn a minimum of 22 credits. Reference the credit check document to monitor your student's progress in earning their required credits.
KEES Money
Click here to access the KHEAA website.
Students earn a predetermined amount of money (amount listed on attached website) each school year based on their GPA and test scores. The cumulated funds are awarded as scholarships for your student if they attend an in-state college or university. Reference the KHEAA website to learn more.
Governor's Scholar for Entrepreneurs
Click here to access the GSE website.
GSE is a residential summer opportunity for students in Kentucky to grow their leadership skills, and earn scholarship opportunities. Students in grades 9-11 are eligible to apply. Please reference the website for additional information and reach out to Mrs. Millie Robinson (School Counselor) for support in completing the application.
ACT Support
Click here to access the ACT website.
Students will complete a practice ACT during their Sophomore year at North Oldham High School, and then complete a formal ACT during their Junior year. Reference the ACT website to register your student for additional ACT exams (Registration -> Register for the ACT), and be on the lookout for communication from North Oldham High School about exam preparation opportunities.