Student Parking Application, Procedures & Regulations
Please do not park on campus without a parking permit. Parking without a permit is a behavior violation and can result in application denial and other school consequences. Your car may be booted or towed.
Students must apply online. The student must be logged on a browser with their OC school Google account to access the application. Parents wishing to apply for their child must use their student Google log-in. If you get a message saying "Access Denied" or "You Need Permission", you are not on a browser with your OC school Google account.
Permits and lots will be assigned by school staff.
After applying online, please see Mrs. Stapleton at the front desk to finish the permit process.
The student or parent picking up the permit must bring a signed copy of the student parking contract (available in front office), the student's driver's license (or a picture of the complete front of the license), and a $25.00 payment (Check payable to NOHS or exact cash).
NOHS Student Handbook (Parking on Page 5)
Campus Parking Information:
Students wishing to obtain a parking tag must apply online first.
Students must have their valid license (restricted/full licenses only) to apply. No Permits.
Students participating in off campus enrollment will not be allowed to get parking tags (JCTC, UL, etc).
Seniors will be assigned to the lot in front of the school until full. Seniors will then be assigned spots in the lower lot. Seniors will be moved to a spot in the upper lot if they become available.
Seniors with permits in the band area (blue zone of main lot) will be asked to move their vehicle immediately after school. Failure to do so will result in having their parking pass being moved to the lower junior lot.
School staff will assign all parking spots.
General information about parking permit payment and pick-up
Students must complete an online application prior to permit payment and pickup.
We will not have a lottery day this year. Parking permits will be assigned by school staff.
Pick-up and payment date(s) will be emailed this summer. OCBE parking fee is $25.00
This form is due on the pick-up/payment date and will not be accepted early.
Those unable to attend on the original date of issuance will be able to purchase a tag any school day following in the front office from 8:30 AM - 3 PM.
Parking privileges will not be granted and/or will be revoked (which means the student driver may not park anywhere on campus) when a student:
Has a Drug, Alcohol or Vape violation.
Has 2+ suspension level events (out-of-school suspension or OCATS) or has 4+ level 2 or 3 behavior violations during the school year.
Is failing 3 or more classes
Accumulates 6 or more unexcused days absent or tardies (a tardy is when the student arrives late to school or departs early from school) during a single semester.
Violates the No Pass/No Drive law in Kentucky (For information go to:
Departs from campus without authorization (cutting school)
Transports another student off campus during school hours without authorization.
Drives recklessly on school property.
Is found to have loaned, sold or given their tag to another student. The tag is for your use only.
Does not demonstrate Good Faith Effort on school, State and other assessments.
Parks in someone else's spot or other unauthorized areas (staff or visitor parking). Running late or arriving late to school is not a reason to park in other spots.
Newly enrolled students who do not yet have a school account must contact Mr. Lange via email for application instructions.
Please contact with questions about student parking.